Cloud-Native Workshop: Apache Cassandra meets Kubernetes
Apache Cassandra® is used in cloud-native applications that require massive resilience and scalability. With multiple nodes replicating data all the time, we need advanced knowledge and tooling to understand the …
Introducing the Next Generation of K8ssandra!
Back in December, we previewed the in-progress K8ssandra Operator project as the next generation of the K8ssandra project, bringing multi-cluster support with it. We’re now, just a few months later, …
Multi-Region Cassandra on EKS with K8ssandra and Kubefed
When I demoed Multi-region Cassandra on GKE at the Kubecon ’21 show floor, I was surprised to see so much interest in the topic. Running a K8ssandra cluster on GKE …
Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra: What Works (and What Doesn’t)
“I need it now and I need it reliable” – anyone who hasn’t deployed application infrastructure If you’re on the receiving end of this statement, we understand you here in …
K8ssandra at Data on Kubernetes Day
There was no better way to kick off KubeCon EU than with Data on Kubernetes Community Day on Monday, May 3. K8ssandra featured in a number of sessions presented by …
A Case for Databases on Kubernetes from a Former Skeptic
K8ssandra team member Christopher Bradford discusses the case for running stateful workloads on Kubernetes. He explores his personal journey from skepticism to advocacy with real-world examples and changing of concerns …
The search for a cloud-native database
Cloud-native applications need cloud-native databases to achieve the next stage of maturity and scale, but what is a cloud-native database? Let’s try to define what it means and figure out how it relates to Kubernetes.
Why K8ssandra?
The inspiration behind the K8ssandra project, and the benefits it brings to developers, operators and SREs.