Introducing the Next Generation of K8ssandra!
Back in December, we previewed the in-progress K8ssandra Operator project as the next generation of the K8ssandra project, bringing multi-cluster support with it. We’re now, just a few months later, …
Multi-Region Cassandra on EKS with K8ssandra and Kubefed
When I demoed Multi-region Cassandra on GKE at the Kubecon ’21 show floor, I was surprised to see so much interest in the topic. Running a K8ssandra cluster on GKE …
Deploying to Multiple Kubernetes Clusters with the K8ssandra Operator
We built the new K8ssandra Operator to simplify deploying multiple Apache Cassandra data centers in different regions and across multiple Kubernetes (K8s) clusters. We’re not at the finish line just …
K8ssandra 1.3 release supports Cassandra 4.0
The K8ssandra team has just published the 1.3 release. The really big deal is support for the Apache Cassandra™ 4.0 release, but there’s plenty of other goodness here as well. …
Multi-cluster Cassandra deployment with Google Kubernetes Engine
This is the second in a series of posts examining patterns for using K8ssandra to create Cassandra clusters with different deployment topologies. In the first article in this series, we …
Deploy a multi-datacenter Apache Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes
Learn how to create a multi-datacenter Apache Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes using the K8ssandra project and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
K8ssandra, the future essential data standard for Kubernetes?
In this article on the French language site Journal du Net, Xavier Biseul examines the state of databases on Kubernetes, including Cassandra (quote is translated): Was the union between Cassandra …
How to connect stateful workloads across Kubernetes clusters
In his article on the DataStax blog, Roman Chernobelskiy shares how the Astra team created a lightweight overlay network in order to allow Cassandra nodes in different Kubernetes clusters to …